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No, Vasundhara is not my real name. I am breaking it in for a friend!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

What dreams may come?

Chronicling my Dreams- (still thinking)

I see weird dreams...almost every day. Did so as a child. They have come back to me, in great numbers of late. "So why don't I chronicle them", I thought. Not easy. I will keep it to a few lines and words where possible. Might elaborate ones that merit it. Always unsure whether to share them or not. (If you are reading this here, I did!)
Some of my previous ones have led me to action, while some I lose with Time. They do stay with me for a while, though.

Let me see, what dreams may come...

Day 1 (April 9-10)
Around 0500 hours (that is when I woke up)
Father, few more from family, in car...leading to an unkown house. Climbing up stairways. A lady cooking in her kitchen; resisting/staring initially, only to hug later. Rest of the family leaves by car. Scenes still (at the time of penning these down) vivid.

Day 2 (April 10-11) //in decreasing order of time of day//
0630 hours (that is when I woke up)
Leopards, stairways, and vaults. Way up a dark alley, more stairways, and blindling sunlight at the end of stairway. Scenes still (at the time of penning these down) vivid.

Around 0300 hours (that is when I woke up)
Dead from distant family (relation) leading me up a stairway. To another "supposed" dead...in family. Scenes still (at the time of penning these down) vivid.

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